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Home Motorcycle Accidents Road Rash

Road Rash Injury Lawyers in Santa Ana

Representation for Victims of Road Rash in Santa Ana

Whether an accident happens at a high speed on the road or at a stop light or intersection, when a motorcycle wrecks the rider is at risk for injuries more serious than broken bones or a whiplashed neck. Drivers of cars have steel frames and air bags to protect them in the event of an accident. Drivers of motorcycles are open to the elements and the laws of physics. Even if the bike crashes, the rider’s body will remain in motion until something stops it. More often than not, that means they end up skidding across the pavement, which causes an injury known as road rash.

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What is Road Rash?

Road rash is an extremely painful injury that happens to motorcyclists, scooter enthusiasts and bike riders alike. In a motorcycle accident the driver can be thrown at a very high speed which sends their body dragging across concrete. The resulting injuries are where layers of skin have been scraped off the body.

Road rash occurs in varying degrees. It can be superficial abrasions that feel like burns. The abrasions can be so severe that the victim may have nerve damage and will require multiple medical procedures to recover. In some cases, the nerve damage can heal, but in other cases, the victim is left with permanent loss of sensation. A Santa Ana motorcycle accident attorney may be able to help you recover financially if you were the victim of road rash in a motorcycle collision.

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Seek Medical Treatment for Your Injuries

It is important to have road rash injuries, along with any other injuries sustained in a motorcycle accident, evaluated at once by a medical professional. Surface road rash often needs debridement to clean the dirt and debris from the wounds.

Deeper lacerations may require stitches to heal properly. Severe road rash is called an avulsion. This type of injury occurs when the skin is entirely removed, exposing damaged muscle and bone. This kind of injury may require a skin graft and other procedures if infection develops, and to treat significant scarring. Skin grafts are harvested from another body area, which will also need to heal, with no guarantee that the graft will be successful.

Medications may be necessary and routine specialized wound care may also be prescribed. If this sounds frightening and expensive, that’s because it is. From doctor visits to emergency room fees, to prescriptions, surgeries, therapies, and follow up treatments, the medical bills can become extensive. Meanwhile recovery and downtime can cause lost wages -- but there is hope.

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How Can a Santa Ana Motorcycle Injury Lawyer Help?

If you or your loved one have been in a motorcycle accident, an experienced Santa Ana road rash attorney could help you. The accident report, eyewitness accounts, and photos from the scene are all beneficial in determining who was responsible for the crash, but a lawyer could assess your case, and file a claim or lawsuit to hold the negligent parties responsible for damages. The liable parties could include:

  • Negligent drivers
  • Employers of the at fault driver
  • Vehicle manufacturers
  • Local government responsible for roadways

At HN Injury Lawyers we have the combined experience of over 50 years and 100 jury trials. Our clients’ wellbeing is our priority. We do not rest until we have achieved a fair settlement for the people we serve. We negotiate with the insurance adjusters to pursue the maximum compensable damages, so our clients can focus on a full recovery without financial concerns. Don’t wait to let our Santa Ana injury lawyers get to work for you. Call our office, at (657) 333-5726.

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