blog home Premises Liability Slip and Fall Injuries Can be Serious

Slip and Fall Injuries Can be Serious

By Hess & Nghiem on July 13, 2020

While slips and falls are often associated with clumsiness or self-deprecating humor, many are serious. Not only that, many are not the result of clumsiness but instead the result of property owner negligence. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than one million Americans suffer a slip, trip, and fall injury, and over 17,000 people lose their lives in the U.S. each year because of these injuries. If you or someone you love became the victim of a slip and fall injury or death, Santa Ana slip and fall lawyers could help you recover compensation for your damages.

7 Types of Slip and Fall Injuries

Falls send millions of Americans to the emergency room each year. Some of them will experience injuries bad enough that they experience significant pain, lost work productivity, and lost wages. The most common types of slip and fall injuries include:

  1. Broken bones – Falls often cause stressful force on certain bones. The most common broken bones in a slip and fall accident are wrist, ankle, and hip fractures. Sometimes these occur from the fall itself and other times, from the person trying to catch themselves as they fall. For instance, they were placing their hands behind them, which causes a wrist fracture.
  2. Sprained ankles or wrists – Ligaments in the wrists or ankles can tear during a fall. These types of injuries take a long time to heal and can impact your ability to complete daily tasks such as cooking, typing, or buttoning a shirt.
  3. Knee damage – Knees are prone to unnatural twisting motions when a fall happens. You can dislocate your patella, tear ligaments, or even break the bones that make up your knee or the areas surrounding your knee. These injuries can also take quite some time to heal.
  4. Shoulder dislocations or muscle strains – The shoulder can be hit during a fall, or it can experience a jarring-type injury. Shoulder dislocations and sprains frequently happen due to falls and sometimes require long-term therapy and care.
  5. Spine and nerve damage – The spine and nerves are some of the most delicate parts of the body. A slip and fall can cause nerve damage resulting from nerves that are stretched or cut. Some nerve damage can be permanent and will need extensive treatment.
  6. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) – In a fall, you do not need to hit your head to have a head injury. The force of a jolt that does not involve a direct impact to the head can be just as dangerous as an injury caused by hitting the head. TBIs can take a long time to recover from, and some victims never do recover.
  7. Cuts and bruises – Cuts and bruises are the most frequent injuries that occur in a slip and fall accident. They may seem minor, but they can cause scarring, disfigurement, significant pain, and blood loss. Some even require surgery or become infected. 

No matter the type or severity of slip and fall injuries you sustain, it is always best to talk to well-versed Santa Ana slip and fall lawyers about the incident. You may be entitled to receive compensation for your injuries and other damages. 

Get the Legal Help You Need from Experienced Santa Ana Slip and Fall Lawyers

If your slip and fall happened on someone else’s property, you will want to speak to an attorney as soon as possible. Acting sooner rather than later will help ensure that you can exercise all of your legal rights in a personal injury claim. Book your slip and fall case consultation today with Santa Ana slip and fall attorneys at Hess & Nghiem. Call (657) 333-5726 or connect with us online today.

Posted in: Premises Liability
