What to Do If a Garbage Truck Hits Your Car

The things you do and say after being hit by a garbage truck can significantly impact the outcome of your injury claim. Knowing what to do can help you remain calm and ensure that you have the best chance of getting the compensation you deserve.
Maybe you were leaving your house to go to work, and a garbage truck backed into you. Perhaps you were proceeding legally through a green light and were suddenly hit by a garbage truck. No matter the circumstances, you likely have a claim against the driver and the garbage truck company that Santa Ana truck accident lawyers can assist you with. The steps you take immediately after and for weeks and months to come can have a far-reaching impact on your injury claim. Therefore, it is critical that you know what to do if a garbage truck hits your car.
Check for Injuries
Whether the accident was minor or severe, stop to consider if you or anyone else has injuries. If you or someone else need immediate medical attention, be sure to get it by calling 911. Do not assume that everything is all right or that an injury is merely minor because you do not feel much pain. Once your adrenaline wears off, you might learn that it was worse than you thought.
Along with the ambulance, request that law enforcement officers come to the scene and make an accident report. Even if it appears to be a minor accident, it is crucial to have a written account of the accident from a neutral party.
Only Speak When it is Necessary
At this point, many garbage truck accident victims make the innocent mistake of saying something that will hurt their claim. For instance, they apologize for the accident even if they know the garbage truck driver was the one who caused it, they express that they have no injuries, or that their injuries do not hurt that bad. Do not speculate aloud about who is at fault. Keep a level-head and your thoughts to yourself, or you might regret it later. Even the most seasoned Santa Ana truck accident attorneys can’t take back something you said at the scene that could decrease your claim.
Gather Evidence
If you are physically able to, now is the best time to begin to gather evidence. If you are not able to enlist someone who was with you or have someone you know come back to the scene as soon as possible. Try to get:
- Pictures and videos of the accident scene and all involved vehicles
- Be sure to include weather and road conditions in your them
- Get the names and contact information of any witnesses to the accident
- Save physical evidence such as broken eyeglasses or bloody clothes
All of this evidence will be helpful to your Santa Ana truck accident lawyers as they build your personal injury claim.
Let Experienced Santa Ana Truck Accident Lawyers Handle Your Claim
Being hit by a garbage truck is a potentially life-altering experience. If this happened to you, you need an aggressive advocate on your side. Book your garbage truck accident consultation today with experienced Santa Ana truck accident attorneys at Hess & Nghiem. Call (657) 333-5726 or connect with us online today.
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