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Why You Need a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

By Hess & Nghiem on September 21, 2020

Workplace injuries can be difficult to recover from, both physically and financially. Seeking legal advice for your workers’ compensation claim is imperative to recovering the compensation you deserve for a workplace injury or illness. Your employer’s insurance company is not your advocate, but an attorney can be.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 2.8 million workplace injuries and illnesses in the private industry in 2018. The majority of these injuries are caused by misused or faulty equipment, impacts with falling or forceful objects, or slips, trips, and falls. No matter how your workplace injury occurred, you have the right to speak with Santa Ana work-related accident lawyers to determine if you have a claim. If so, they can help you recover fair compensation for your losses, including medical bills, lost wages, and mental anguish.

The Benefits of Hiring Santa Ana Work-Related Accident Attorneys

Some workers who file workers’ compensation claims have no problems getting their claim approved and paid. Others aren’t as lucky and fall victim to the numerous employers and insurers who make every attempt they can to shirk their responsibility of paying claims. If you fall into the latter category, Santa Ana work-related accident lawyers can help you with the claims process. They can also:

  • Facilitate communication with medical and insurance staff
  • Offer advice on how to fill out necessary paperwork or even complete it for you
  • Help clarify muddled legal processes
  • Speak to the insurance adjuster on your behalf
  • Provide their opinion on if the settlement offers you receive are fair
  • Handle witness interviews and court filings when necessary

Employers and Insurance Adjusters are Not on Your Side: You Need an Advocate Who Is

Your employer and the insurance adjuster assigned to your claim are going to make their best interests a priority. They may sound sympathetic to your injuries and pain, but they want to help themselves, not you. By denying or delaying your workers’ compensation claim, they can try to keep more money in their pockets. Far too many are successful in their efforts causing employees to miss out on the compensation they legally deserve. Your employer and their insurance company are not going to advocate for you, but a work-related injury lawyer will. Your attorney will help you pursue whatever benefits you deserve after the devastating experience of being hurt on the job. 

Call Santa Ana Work-Related Accident Lawyers Today for Help with Your Workers’ Compensation Claim 

Obtaining legal representation can help ensure that your employer’s insurance carrier doesn’t deny your claim—and if it does, it puts you in a better position to appeal. At Hess & Nghiem, we offer free consultations to potential workers’ compensation clients. Many clients, just like yourself, have relied on our legal expertise to get them the compensation they deserve for their injuries. Call (657) 333-5726 or connect with us online today to receive your workers’ compensation case review with seasoned Santa Ana work-related accident attorneys.

Posted in: Personal Injury
