Santa Ana Truck Driver Error Attorneys
Understanding Truck Driver Negligence in Santa Ana
The trucking industry is a significant part of the California economy. Recent surveys show over 45,000 trucking companies in the state employ more than 87,000 people. Orange County, the third-largest county in the state, has its fair share of trucking. As a driver sharing the road with these important but massive freight-carrying trucks and 18-wheelers, it is vital to know the dangers they pose to your safety.
Truck driver negligence is when a driver owes a duty of care to others on the road to drive safely and take all reasonable precautions but violates this responsibility. While there can be situations like adverse weather that are considered beyond anyone’s control, human-created factors can cause accidents. Common types of truck driver negligence include:
- Fatigue. Driving while tired in an oversized vehicle puts others at risk.
- Distractions (texting, phone calls). Truck drivers who text and drive may not see the road or other drivers around them.
- Speeding. Consciously breaking the speed limit and doing so with heavy loads, even if done to make tight deadlines enforced by trucking companies, can be dangerous.
- Inadequate training. New and inexperienced drivers may have trouble navigating difficult driving conditions.
- Substance abuse (alcohol or drugs). Because of the long hours and tight deadlines required in trucking — often pushed further by shipping industry managers — truckers sometimes turn to alcohol or stimulants to manage. No matter the reason, driving while impaired can take lives, especially in a truck.
There is no excuse for truck driver negligence. The Santa Ana truck accident attorneys at HN Injury Lawyers believe that no case is minor. We’re available and ready to help — call our Santa Ana personal injury law firm at (657) 333-5726 to discuss how you can get compensation for injuries sustained in a trucking accident.
Impact of Santa Ana Truck Accidents
In recent years, there have been half a million truck accidents in the U.S., according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The state with the second-highest number of deaths caused by truck accidents was California, with 437. Accidents involving semi-trucks were the most commonly fatal. When not fatal, common injuries sustained by truck accident victims include:
- Crushed or broken bones
- Concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
- Full or partial paralysis
- Severe burns
- Neck and spinal cord injuries
- Internal bleeding
- Fractures
In addition to physical injuries, being involved in a trucking accident can affect victims and their families emotionally and financially. For example:
- Victims may not be able to work for an extended period
- Medical bills may be extensive
- House modifications or medical devices may be needed for someone disabled in a crash
- Home care or nursing assistance may be required
- Family or loved ones may lose the companionship they once had with the victim
- Loss of consortium
Compensation for Victims of Accidents Caused by Negligent Truck Drivers
In a Santa Ana truck accident case, you can receive two main types of compensation. These are:
- Economic Compensation: This covers financial losses, such as lost wages, lost future earning capacity, medical bills, and property damage.
- Non-Economic Compensation: This covers subjective losses that cannot be physically quantified. These losses include emotional pain, mental suffering, and loss of quality of life.
In some cases in which the truck driver was involved in particularly egregious behavior, the court may also award punitive damages.
Don’t Let Your Rights Be Neglected. Choose HN Injury Lawyers.
Being involved in a Santa Ana truck accident can be a traumatic experience. With HN Injury Lawyers at your side, we will fight for your right to fair compensation. We have a long history of experience and success dealing with these types of cases. In one instance where a client was crushed by a semi-truck that ran a red light, we were able to recover $52.9 million in damages to provide for him and his family. Let us discuss what we can do for you. Call us for your free consultation at (657) 333-5726.
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